Editor |
Marcus Foth
Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Foreword |
Anthony Townsend
Institute for the Future, Palo Alto, USA |
Section I: Introductory Examinations |
Chapter I: Urbane-ing the City: Examining and Refining the Assumptions behind Urban Informatics
Amanda Williams 1, Erica Robles 2, and Paul Dourish 1
1 University of California, Irvine, USA
2 Stanford University, USA |
Chapter II: To Connect and Flow in Seoul: Ubiquitous Technologies, Urban Infrastructure and Everyday Life in the Contemporary Korean City (eprints >)
Jaz Hee-jeong Choi 1 and Adam Greenfield 2
1 Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
2 Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University, USA |
Chapter III: Creating an Analytical Lens for Understanding Digital Networks in Urban South Africa
Nancy Odendaal
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa |
Section II: Participation and Deliberation |
Chapter IV: Place Making Through Participatory Planning
Wayne Beyea, Christine Geith, and Charles McKeown
Michigan State University, USA |
Chapter V: TexTales: Creating Interactive Forums with Urban Publics
Mike Ananny 1 and Carol Strohecker 2
1 Stanford University, USA
2 University of North Carolina, Winston-Salem, USA |
Chapter VI: An Event-driven Community in Washington, DC: Forces that Influence Participation
Jenny Preece
University of Maryland, USA |
Chapter VII: Moments and Modes for Triggering Civic Participation at the Urban Level
Fiorella De Cindio, Ines Di Loreto, and Cristian Peraboni
Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy |
Section III: Engagement of Urban Communities |
Chapter VIII: Fostering Communities in Urban Multi-cultural Neighbourhoods: Some Methodological Reflections
Michael Veith, Kai Schubert, and Volker Wulf
University of Siegen, Germany |
Chapter IX: Beyond Safety Concerns: On the Practical Applications of Urban Neighbourhood Video Cameras
Victor M. Gonzalez 1, Kenneth L. Kraemer 2, and Luis A. Castro 1
1 University of Manchester, UK
2 University of California, Irvine, USA |
Chapter X: The Figmentum Project: Appropriating Information and Communication Technologies to Animate our Urban Fabric
Colleen Morgan and Debra Polson
Australasian Cooperative Research Centre for Interaction Design, Australia |
Chapter XI: Voices from Beyond: Ephemeral Histories, Locative Media and the Volatile Interface
Barbara Crow 1, Michael Longford 1, Kim Sawchuk 2, and Andrea Zeffiro 2
1 York University, Toronto, Canada
2 Concordia University, Montreal, Canada |
Chapter XII: Embedding an Ecology Notion in the Social Production of Urban Space (eprints >)
Helen Klaebe, Barbara Adkins, Marcus Foth, and Greg Hearn
Institute for Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Section IV: Location, Navigation and Space |
Chapter XIII: Cityware: Urban Computing to Bridge Online and Real-world Social Networks
Vassilis Kostakos and Eamonn O’Neill
University of Bath, UK |
Chapter XIV: Information Places: Navigating Interfaces Between Physical and Digital Space
Katharine S. Willis and Jens Geelhaar
Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany |
Chapter XV: A Visual Approach to Locative Urban Information
Viktor Bedö
University of Pécs, Hungary |
Chapter XVI: Navigation Becomes Travel Scouting: The Augmented Spaces of Car Navigation Systems
Tristan Thielmann
University of Siegen, Germany |
Chapter XVII: QyoroView: Creating a Large-Scale Street View as User-generated Content
Daisuke Tamada and Hideyuki Nakanishi
Osaka University, Japan |
Chapter XVIII: Virtual Cities for Simulating Smart Urban Public Spaces
Hideyuki Nakanishi 1, Toru Ishida 2, and Satoshi Koizumi 1
1 Osaka University, Japan
2 Kyoto University, Japan |
Chapter XIX: The Neogeography of Virtual Cities: Digital Mirrors into a Recursive World
Andrew Hudson-Smith, Richard Milton, Joel Dearden, and Michael Batty
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London, UK |
Section V: Wireless and Mobile Culture |
Chapter XX: Codespaces: Community Wireless Networks and the Reconfiguration of Cities
Laura Forlano
Columbia University, New York, USA |
Chapter XXI: Home is where the hub is? Wireless infrastructures and the nature of domestic culture in Australia
Katrina Jungnickel 1 and Genevieve Bell 2
1 INCITE, Sociology Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK
2 User Experience Group, Digital Home Group, Intel Corporation, USA |
Chapter XXII: Mapping the MIT Campus in Real-time Using WiFi
Andres Sevtsuk, Sonya Huang, Francesco Calabrese, and Carlo Ratti
SENSEable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Chapter XXIII: Supporting Community With Location-Sensitive Mobile Applications
John M. Carroll and Craig H. Ganoe
Center for Human-Computer Interaction, The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Chapter XXIV: From Social Butterfly to Urban Citizen: The Evolution of Mobile Phone Practice (eprints >)
Christine Satchell
Interaction Design Group, The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Section VI: The Not So Distant Future |
Chapter XXV: u-City: The Next Paradigm of Urban Development
Jong-Sung Hwang
National Information Society Agency, South Korea |
Chapter XXVI: Urban Informatics in China: Exploring the Emergence of the Chinese City 2.0 (eprints >)
Dan Shang 1, Jean-François Doulet 2, and Michael Keane 3
1 France Telecom Research & Development Beijing, China
2 Department of Geography, University of Provence, Aix-Marseille, France
3 ARC Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, Brisbane, Australia |
Chapter XXVII: WikiCity: Real-time Location-sensitive Tools for the City
Francesco Calabrese, Kristian Kloeckl, and Carlo Ratti
SENSEable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Chapter XXVIII: Citizen Science: Enabling Participatory Urbanism
Eric Paulos 1, RJ Honicky 2, and Ben Hooker 1
1 Intel Research Berkeley, USA
2 University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Chapter XXIX: Extreme Informatics: Toward the De-saturated City
Mark Shepard
Departments of Architecture and Media Study, University at Buffalo, USA |
Afterword |
Roger Burrows
Department of Sociology, University of York, UK |

Foth, M. (Ed.) (2009). Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-60566-152-0 (hardcopy) ISBN 978-1-60566-153-7 (ebook). (eprints >)
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Some chapters are based on presentations given at the Digital Cities 5 workshop at the 3rd International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 2007.
Book Reviews:
de Waal, M. (2010). Marcus Foth, Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City (book review). Journal of Urban Technology, 17(2), 117-120. (www >)
Crooks, A. (2009). Marcus Foth, Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City (book review). Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 36(4), 946-947. (www >)
Glenn, E. H. (2009). Marcus Foth, Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City (book review). Journal of the American Planning Association, 75(4), 494. (www >)
de Waal, M. (2009). Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: a matter of ‘U-City’ or ‘U-Citizens?’ (book review). The Mobile City. (www >)
Carroli, L. (2009). Sensing and Searching the City (book review). Urbanista, Arts Hub, Jan 2009. (www >)
Previous, relevant special issues of journals:
Ellison, N., Burrows, R., & Parker, S. (Eds.). (2007). Urban Informatics: Software, Cities and the New Cartographies of Knowing Capitalism. Guest editors of a special issue of Information, Communication & Society, 10(6). London: Routledge. (www >)
Dave, B. (Ed.). (2007). Space, sociality, and pervasive computing. Guest editor of a special issue of Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34(3). London: Pion. (www >)
Kindberg, T., Chalmers, M., & Paulos, E. (Eds.). (2007). Urban Computing. Guest editors of a special issue of Pervasive Computing, 6(3). Washington, DC: IEEE. (www >)
Shklovski, I., & Chang, M. F. (Eds.). (2006). Urban Computing: Navigating Space and Context. Guest editors of a special issue of Computer, 39(9). Washington, DC: IEEE. (www >) |